
马来西亚北方大学 (UUM) 于 1984 年 2 月 16 日根据马来西亚北方大学 1984 年法令成立。该大学于 1998 年 4 月 23 日公司化。UUM 位于吉打州的新托,距离亚罗士打以北约 48 公里,靠近新镇 Bukit Kayu Hitam。

UUM 的愿景是成为一所杰出的管理大学。大部分课程集中在管理、商业、会计、经济、法律等这些领域。2008 年 1 月,大学学术体系进行了重组。13 个学院合并为 3 个主要学术学院,即 UUM COB(UUM 商学院)、UUM CAS(UUM 文理学院)和 UUM COLGIS(UUM 法律、政府和国际研究学院)。这 3 所主要的学术学院提供大约 37 个学士学位课程。

校园内的主要建筑包括教学楼、Sultanah Bahiyah 图书馆、行政大楼、总理大楼、Sultan Badlishah 清真寺、Dewan Muadzam Shah、Tan Sri Othman Hall、体育中心、Varsity Mall、行政发展中心等。目前,UUM 有 15 个学生宿舍 (SRH) 或称为 Inapan Siswa,总共可容纳 22,000 名学生。 SRH 以马来西亚知名公司、机构和组织命名。 UUM 是少数几所允许所有学生在毕业前以合理的住宿费留在校园内的大学之一。

UUM 也被称为卓越管理大学,强调学生的着装,在讲座或办公时间,学生必须穿着正式的着装。除此之外,为了方便学生,校园内还提供了穿梭巴士。校园内还有许多体育和休闲设施,如奥林匹克规模的游泳池、健身房、足球、开放式体育场、卡丁车赛道等。

在医疗设施方面,UUM 设有健康中心,为学生和教职员工提供包括医疗和牙科治疗、咨询、急救、手术和药物治疗在内的综合健康服务。除此之外,还有 100 多个学生管理的组织和社团,由学生事务部 (HEP) 和学生发展办公室 (PPA) 监督。因此,UUM 不仅专注于向学生传递知识,还提供了一个发展身心的场所,成为具有整体特征的领导者,为全球社会服务。

Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) was established on 16 February 1984 under the Universiti Utara Malaysia 1984. The university was corporatised on 23 April 1998. UUM is located in Sintok, Kedah, about 48 kilometers north of Alor Setar, close to the new town of Bukit Kayu Hitam.

The vision of UUM is to be an eminent management university. Most of the courses focus on management, business, accounting, economics, law, and so on these areas. In January 2008, a restructuring of the university academic system was undertaken. Thirteen faculties were merged and streamed into 3 main Academic Colleges, namely UUM COB (UUM College of Business), UUM CAS (UUM College of Arts and Sciences), and UUM COLGIS (UUM College of Law, Government and International Studies). These 3 main Academic Colleges offer around 37 bachelor programs.

The main buildings in the campus include the academic buildings, the Sultanah Bahiyah Library, Administration buildings, Chancellor building, Sultan Badlishah Mosque, Dewan Muadzam Shah, Tan Sri Othman Hall, Sports Complex, Varsity Mall, Executive Development Centre, and so on.

At present, UUM has 15 Student Residential Halls (SRH) or known as Inapan Siswa, which, all together, house 22,000 students. The SRHs are named after Malaysian companies, institutions, and organizations of repute. UUM is one of the few universities that allow all the students stay in campus until they graduate with reasonable accommodation fee.

UUM also namely as The Eminent Management University was emphasis on the attire of students, during the lecture or office hours, students have to wear formal attire. Other than that, shuttle buses were provided in the campus for student’s convenience. There are also many sporting and leisure facilities inside the campus such as Olympic-sized swimming pool, fitness gyms, football, open stadium, Go-cart circuit, and others.

In term of medical facilities, UUM has a Health Centre provides a comprehensive health service that covers medical and dental treatment, counselling, first aid, surgery, and medication for students and staff. Besides that, there are more than 100 student administered organizations and societies which are monitored under the Student's Affairs Department (HEP) and Student Development Office (PPA). Hence, UUM not only concentrate on delivery knowledge to the students also provide a place to develop their physical and mental to become a leader with holistic characteristics to serve the global community. 

Source: 北方大学文艺慈善晚会月影心随心
