
马来西亚砂拉越大学,简称砂大,是马来西亚的第八所国立大学,也是东马排名第一的综合型高等学府。砂大成立于1992年,坐落于砂拉越哥打三马拉汉,距离古晋市中心约30分钟车程。砂大共有3个校区,分别为旧校区(East Campus)、新校区(West Campus)及坐落于古晋市区的砂大医学院(City Campus)。砂大一共有10个学院、9个研究中心、7个研究机构,共提供48个本科和多过40个研究生课程。除了课业表现,砂大也注重学生就业率。因此,砂大提供的学科也注重学生的个人发展与与时并进的竞争力。

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) is the eighth university in Malaysia, the largest and top-ranked institution in East Malaysia. Officially established on 24 December 1992, UNIMAS is located in Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, just a 30-minute drive from Kuching.

The main UNIMAS campus is divided into three sections:

- East Campus: Dedicated to Pre-University Studies.

- West Campus: Home to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies.

- City Campus: Focused on Medical Student Training.

Undergraduate students primarily attend lectures and reside in on-campus accommodations at the West Campus. Most faculties and accommodation colleges are within walking distance. 

UNIMAS offers 48 undergraduate and over 40 postgraduate programs across 10 faculties, 9 research centers, and 7 research institutes. At UNIMAS, students are provided with a holistic educational experience that goes beyond academics. The university emphasises personal development, cultural diversity, and global readiness, preparing students to be impactful leaders in their communities and beyond.

source: 砂拉越大学华人文化协会