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Universities Enrolment Sharing Session (UESS)

【全国国立大专入学辅导】是由【理大资讯网】【理大中华文化艺术坊】联合主催的一项活动。继 2015 年全国大专入学辅导筹委会首次成立,在全马各地举办入学资讯分享会后取得不俗的反应。为此,筹委冀望活动能够在来年为每一届的准大学生提供便利,并把活动范围逐年增大,遍布全马各个角落。鉴于准大学生在获得大学录取通知后只有 2 至 3 个星期的时间来做好入学前的准备,全国国立大专入学辅导筹委会主要协助统一所有有关国立大专的最新资讯,以让准大学生们更有效地掌握及了解所有入学须知,为迈入学府做好准备。

Universities Enrolment Sharing Session (UESS)is a joint activity empowered by 【USMinfo】 and 【Chinese Arts and Cultural Secretariat of USM (USM SKKT)】. Ever since the establishment of UESS 2015, positive remarks were gained after they first organised sharing sessions for freshmen at various stations all over Malaysia. Hence, the organising committee wishes to provide convenience and benefits to our freshmen in every coming year and commit to expand our range year by year to every corner of the country. Since there are only 2 to 3 weeks for freshmen to complete all the necessary preparations to enter university upon receiving admission results, the committee of UESS will aid them by collecting the latest information regarding university admission so that they are well informed before enrolling at their institutions. This will be helpful to offer the freshmen with everything they require to know before stepping into university.

Talk to us

Universities Enrolment Sharing Session (UESS)

E: uess@myusminfo.com

E: skkt.pr@myusminfo.com

H/P: +60 18-283 4429 (Mr. Chong Wen Kang)


Bangunan H25, Lorong Cahaya,

Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Minden, Penang